Plus: Discover Why The 1946 Nobel Prize And Smelly Farts Can Help You Enjoy Perfectly Firm & Predictable Poops And Your Favorite Foods... Worry-Free
In the next few minutes, I’m going to share a personal story that forever changed my life.
I’ve kept it secret because it’s one of the most humiliating things that’s ever happened to me...
But it taught me something that I want to share with you today because…
It led to a little-known discovery that helped me how to enjoy perfect, firm poops without ever having to worry about loose, watery bowels.
It explains EXACTLY why many people suffer from unpredictable bowels…
And how to firm up loose bowels based on findings from the 1946 Nobel Prize and their connection to smelly farts.
I know that sounds incredibly weird and maybe even a little gross…
But I promise everything I’m about to share is backed by new research from today’s most trusted and prestigious universities.
Now before we get to all that though, let me first share my story.
We just finished our amazing meal, and while everyone was in a great mood…
I was nervous.
I was nervous because I knew I had certain “trigger foods” that agitated my bowels…
And I didn’t want to cause an embarrassing scene and ruin the rehearsal dinner for my friend.
So I made a quick mental note about where the bathrooms were located, like I’d got in the habit of doing after having several close calls...
And about 5 minutes later, I got the infamous “hot flash” poop warning.
So I started speed walking towards the bathroom…
And when I got about halfway there…
In that moment my head slumped over and I instantly froze...
It was all too much to handle.
I felt like the main character in some kind of sick, twisted film that everyone watched and laughed at.
But I knew I couldn’t just stand there crying on the street...
So I sprinted into the next restaurant I was headed towards…
Straight to the bathroom where I took off my underwear...
Covered up the stains on my pants as best as I could…
And called my wife to leave the rehearsal dinner and come pick me up.
But the experience of cleaning yourself inside a public restroom and realizing…
You don’t have emergency underwear…
You can’t call a car or get an Uber…
You MUST call someone you know personally to pick you…
And that you’re a grown adult who just pooped their pants in public...
Is an experience you’ll never forget in your entire life.
So after calling my wife to pick me…
I vowed to make sure it never happened again.
Now don’t worry, it’s not a prescription medication…
Or a risky medical procedure that requires a surgeon to mangle your intestines with a knife.
It’s simply a natural way to increase a specialized “gut fluid” using plant-based nutrients...
So you can enjoy blissful bowels and...
Enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about
gas or bloating...
Avoid smelly, embarrassing farts that could knock out an elephant…
Feel confident in your ability to enjoy perfectly firm and predictable poops even without medication...
Quit following super strict dieting programs that create nail-biting food cravings…
Stop making endless trips to the toilet at night and start waking up feeling fully refreshed...
But just because something sounds “too good to be true” doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.
The fact is, if you’re feeling skeptical…
I felt the same way when I first dove into the research myself.
After all we’re talking about farts and erratic bowel movements here, so it’s a little unusual!
But I promise I’ll explain EXACTLY how this new discovery works…
And why it’s producing such dramatic results for so many people.
In fact, what I’m about to share with you…
Because it puts the power and control back in YOUR hands…
So you can eat what you want…
When you want…
While enjoying perfectly firm and predictable poops.
In fact what I’m about to share with you allows you to enjoy...
All without changing your diet or having to take anti-diarrhea pills or undergoing dangerous surgery.
In fact…
That’s because today I’m going to prove to you…
I promise I’ll show you exactly what it is…
How it works (along with mountains of scientific research)...
And why it can transform your life just like it did mine.
But before I get to that let me quickly introduce myself…
I’m the founder and founder of Peak Biome Inc…
And after the incident I explained earlier…
I dedicated hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to figuring out what was causing my unpredictable bowels.
I knew it was possible…
Because I’d heard about people enjoying perfectly firm poops using solutions ranging from natural remedies, and strict dieting, to prescription medication.
But even though there is no easy way to discreetly and honestly talk to someone about poop...
I thought if it was possible for them, it was possible for me too.
Plus I had nothing to lose.
So I started spending nights and weekends searching the internet for alternative ways to manage erratic bowel movements. .
But after a few days my stomach was gurgling like a geyser about to erupt...
My farts smelled like they could melt paint…
And I got one of the worst cases of loose watery bowels I’ve ever experienced.
So even though probiotics worked for others, they clearly didn’t work for me.
So I stopped drinking tap water, coffee and anything with caffeine…
I eliminated dairy products from my diet…
I went gluten-free…
I tried low protein...
I tried low fats…
I tried low carbs and sugar…
Now in my mind, I’m thinking this means I’ll never have full confidence in my bowel movements…
Just in case you aren’t aware…
Anti-diarrhea medication stops diarrhea by blocking water from entering your bowels or manually-overriding your intestines.
I hated even having to try them because they’re so unnatural and can cause all sorts of other issues…
But I felt like I had no choice.
The problem is once people believe this is the only way they can get relief…
They keep using these pills even when they don’t have diarrhea.
And without close medical supervision.
Which according to the FDA, can increase the risk of a serious heart complication.3
So it’s clear anti-diarrhea medicine should only be taken out of the medicine cabinet in an emergency…
And only under the watchful eye of your doctor.
That’s why you’ll be glad to know that after spending hundreds of hours researching what triggers unpredictable bowels...
And after wasting THOUSANDS of dollars…
I FINALLY discovered...
Most people think that your stomach is filled with stomach acid at all times.
They think that you eat food…
That food slides down your throat and into your stomach acid…
And it begins to digest immediately.
But that’s NOT the case.
Your body actually has a 3-step digestion process which goes like this...
Phase #1:
Food enters your stomach and digestive enzymes begin to break down your food, along with just a LITTLE bit of stomach acid. This takes up to 60 minutes and is the most crucial part of the digestion process. That’s because nearly 75% of digestion takes place during this 60 minute window.4
Phase #2:
After your food sits in a bath of enzymes for 40-60 minutes, it triggers a full stomach acid release. This tells your stomach to grind and mix the digesting food like a washing machine on the “heavy soil” cycle…
Phase #3:
After an intense ‘spin cycle’ of mixing. Food settles to the bottom of your stomach and slowly moves into your small intestine...
Now if food enters your digestive system without being fully digested…
It creates a specific form of “smelly gas” now shown to cause loose watery bowel movements.
And believe it or not...
The fact is there are actually TWO types of gas...
And only one of them causes stinky bowel movements.
The first type of gas is methane. This is the type of gas you want your body to create. It creates farts that are odorless and totally harmless.
The farts that made you laugh when you were a kid…
… and maybe still now :)
But the second type of gas happens when food enters your intestines without being fully broken down.
That undigested food seeps into the intestines where it ferments and creates a unique gas called hydrogen sulfide.5
And when this gas floods the intestines it creates…
Next, it sucks excess water into the intestines like a dry sponge…
Accelerates intestinal muscles by shifting them into overdrive...6
And triggers erratic bowel movements.
And if you’re never heard this before now…
I promise you it’s not your fault.
Because as I mentioned earlier…
For decades researchers were puzzled…
Usually, scientists can explain exactly why certain things are happening in the body…
But when it came to erratic bowel movements, they were stumped.
They knew from the Nobel Prize back in 1946 that enzymes helped break down undigested food...
They knew that millions of people suffered from unpredictable bowels…
But couldn’t figure out why.
Until they dug deeper and discovered that nearly everyone complaining about watery stools was also complaining about farts that smelled so bad they could knock out an elephant.
So they dug deeper…
And that’s when they made the discovery of the decade.
According to lead scientist Mark Pimentel, MD, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center…
“... because we now see the full picture of fermentation gases, and
it is hydrogen sulfide that appears to be linked to diarrhea. We
knew something was missing from the conventional test.”7
- Mark Pimentel, MD
The good news is that I’ve recently discovered a missing link that...
The secret I’m talking about is a handful of specific digestive enzymes.
Now you may have heard of these before because they’re gaining a lot of popularity in the gut health world.
Enzymes are naturally produced in your mouth, stomach, pancreas and small intestine. They’re essential for keeping your entire body in balance.
In fact, your body is actually filled with enzymes and each has its own specific function.
In fact many people don’t even realize this but...
But right now let’s focus on the specific family of enzymes with the critical job of helping you digest food.
To get started let me show you how they work...
See, when you put a food crumb under a high-powered microscope…
And zoom all the way in…
You’ll see a spiral ribbon like this:
Now before the body can use this nutrient…
The enzymes in the stomach must break it down into thousands of itty bitty pieces.
The problem is...
It works like this…
If undigested food particles enter the digestive system because of a lack of enzymes…
The body treats them like a foreign invader.
And this is what triggers digestive problems like…
Peptic ulcers…8
Acid reflux and
Bloating, belching
and farting after
Poor nutrient
Indigestion and
loose bowels...12
Food allergies…13
And much,
much more...
But when your body releases the right enzymes, at the right time…
Most people don’t realize digestive enzymes also control bowel movements just like the thermostat in a house.
If there aren’t enough enzymes to digest the food…
Erratic bowel movements can happen.
But if there are enough of the right enzymes to digest food…
The result is a perfectly firm bowel movement.
Let me give you an example with a common digestive issue…
Lactose intolerance.
The reason some people can’t drink milk is because they’re missing the digestive enzyme called lactase.
Without lactase, they can’t break down lactose.
This creates hydrogen sulfide, which creates erratic bowel movements.
Unfortunately, this is one of several enzymes that can throw the digestive system out of whack.
There are many others including...
The enzyme which boosts your energy by transforming starches and carbohydrates into simple sugars that energize your cells...
The enzyme secreted by your stomach, pancreas, and small intestine to break down proteins so your body can rebuild muscle and burn fat...
The enzyme that helps break down fats so you can enjoy more fatty foods worry-free...15
And many others!
When your body has all these (and other) enzymes, you can enjoy normal, healthy poops.
The problem is…
Studies have shown that digestive enzymes start dropping by age 20...
Which is why teenagers and most people in their 20s can eat almost anything including greasy fast food, milk products, gluten-filled carbs, and mountains of protein...
And enjoy every single morsel worry-free!
But unfortunately enzyme production decreases with each passing year…
So by age 50...
Most people are producing HALF the amount of enzymes of a kid.16 17 18
Even worse is that on top of enzymes declining naturally with age...
The good news is it’s easier than you might think to replace lost enzymes.
In fact, in a moment I’ll show you a way to do it in 10 seconds or less…
That has nothing to do with changing the foods you're currently eating.
Because you can still enjoy firm poops without completely changing your entire diet…
Throwing out every single crap of processed food...
Or loading up on foods packed with natural enzymes like pineapples and kiwi fruit...
The fact is...
No one wants to spend hundreds of hours…
Thousands of dollars…
And almost all their “family time” perfectly planning and prepping meals in a way that preserves the natural enzymes found in their food…
Not to mention the mind-numbing willpower required to eat perfectly, at all times, for the rest of their life...
That’s why the next best solution is finding a nutritional supplement with digestive enzymes.
So you can do 10 seconds of work without revamping your entire lifestyle.
I know this because I had to learn about enzymes the hard way…
By losing my own money.
The truth is, enzyme labels are confusing.
Because unless you know what you’re looking for, it’s easy to make the wrong decision.
So to ensure you get the best experience possible…
So it’s clear digestive enzymes WORK.
If you find the right kind… using the right enzymes… in the right quantity.
The problem is, most formulas sold in big box stores are missing one or more of these critical elements…
Which is why the supplements you find lining their shelves are so cheap.
That's why after trying dozens of different enzyme formulas that didn't work for me...
After spending THOUSANDS of dollars...
And wasting YEARS of my time...
Since nothing else was good enough for me…
I wanted to create my own.
I was dead set on it being…
Because I knew this would give the best results possible.
I’d learned from my research that MOST companies selling similar types of products cut corners by using low quality ingredients or not enough of those ingredients…
So I vowed to create what I believed to be the best possible formula on the market.
This is why...
I still remember how frustrating this process was…
Spending hundreds of hours pouring through scientific studies…
Working with the world's best researchers and formulators asking them how and where to get supplies for the ingredients we needed…
And spending SO much time and creating the “perfect” formula.
But I finally cracked the code.
In fact, I’ll never forget when the first bottle arrived.
I sprinted to the kitchen and popped 2 capsules in my mouth.
And just TWO days later, I couldn’t believe the foods I was eating.
For example, I love BBQ and spicy food.
But it’s reserved for “special occasions only” because it can ruin my entire night.
Yet here I was…
Having the time of my life…
Enjoying freshly smoked ribs slathered in spicy barbecue sauce and feeling amazing.
In other words…
That’s when I knew I hit the jackpot.
And guess what?
I got such amazing results for myself that I’ve decided to make this public to the world…
Because I want YOU to experience the thrill of perfectly firm and blissful bowels just like I did.
Bowel Guard is a digestive enzyme formula designed to help you enjoy what I like to call “blissful bowels”. It allows you to easily break down almost any food and feel GREAT regardless of what you eat so you can enjoy firm poops and little to no bloating or gas.
It allows you to enjoy your favorite foods more often…
Plus, you’ll love how this unique combination of enzymes can...
Promote bowel regularity and even decrease bowel odor so you can feel better and more confident in your everyday life...
Promote lactose digestion so you can enjoy a frothy cappuccino or slice of cheese with a smile on your face…
Promote gluten digestion so you go back to eating yummy carbs and feeling great when you do…
Boost energy by transforming carbs into usable energy that energizes your cells…
Prevent stinky gas from fiber and veggies so you can EAT healthy and FEEL healthy all day...
Help you digest “forbidden” foods so you can enjoy your favorite treats and feel like a kid again…
Maintain a healthy immune system because they increase your ability to absorb nutrients...
Enjoy a healthy microbiome which can help you maintain a positive mood and so much more...
But having said all that, you’re probably asking yourself…
When it comes to “trigger foods” dairy is at the top of the list for most people..
And people fall into one of two categories…
They’re lactose intolerant. This means even a tiny drop of milk can leave them sprinting for the nearest bathroom…
They’re lactose sensitive. This means they can enjoy a little dairy like an occasional slice of cheese, but too much throws your bowel into a tizzy...
The problem is most people don’t know their lactose threshold.
That’s why we added an enzyme called lactase which helps with lactose so you can become friends with dairy again.
Next, I added the enzyme that has completely changed my life.
See, I’m a runner and need carbs to help fuel my workouts.
One of my go-to favorites has always been bagels. There’s almost nothing better than any “everything bagel” right before a hard run.
But I used to have a really hard time digesting carbs…
So I’d get horrible gas that put me in the permanent dog house with my wife :(
But then I came across a unique and little-known enzyme which...
Gluten-free foods are everywhere… and for good reason.
Some people simply can’t eat gluten without experiencing a severe allergic reaction.
Those people NEED foods with zero gluten.
But for most people it’s only a sensitivity (with varying degrees)...
Which means some carbs are fine, but not too much.
And as I’m sure you know…
That's because of GLUTEN.
Gluten is the protein hiding in wheat, barley and rye that makes bread so soft, yummy and delicious.
If your body has enough enzymes to predigest the gluten proteins…
You feel great and it’s a pleasure to eat bread.
So to help you with that we added an enzyme called DPP-IV (dipeptidyl peptidase IV) because....
Many people have had that “rock in their stomach” feeling…
And that happens when the body isn’t producing enough of the right enzymes to fully digest protein.
Unfortunately undigested protein can cause…
Toxin Build Up
Undigested protein molecules love to ferment in the small intestine and attract an army of potentially toxic molecules which produce excessive gas...27 28
Slow Metabolism
Studies have shown that a protein-rich diet can help you burn up to 100 extra calories per day without extra exercise. That’s the equivalent of doing about 1.5 marathons every single month without actually running! But that number quickly declines when the body stops digesting protein...29
Muscle Loss
Protein is the nutrient that keeps your muscles strong, sleek, and sexy. So when the body can’t absorb protein, muscles wither and arms get flabby. It’s one main reason most people lose strength and get weaker with age. But that doesn’t have to be you! Simply by adding an extra dose of Protease to your diet, your body will absorb more of the nutrients locked inside protein and keep your muscles in their prime...
The good news is, Bowel Guard contains the highly activated enzyme Protease.
This helps naturally boost your metabolism so you can enjoy a lean, toned, stronger body and recover faster from workouts.
But even more exciting is that when you begin taking Bowel Guard…
Fiber is one of those “super nutrients” that doesn’t quite get the recognition it truly deserves.
Most people KNOW they should eat more of it because…
… and so many more!
Unfortunately most people aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables because it might cause gas...
So to help you get the benefits of the fiber found in fruits and veggies while still helping you feel lean, sexy, and thin…
We’ve added a powerful enzyme to help break down your dietary fiber, called Cellulase.
Cellulase helps your stomach shred the woody structure (cellulose) inside green vegetables and raw fiber like a razor-sharp chainsaw.
This helps maximize the digestive benefits of fiber so you can fully empty your bowels and enjoy firm perfect poops witthout worrying about room clearing gas..33
Plus you’ll also love your newfound ability to...
It’s rare to find someone over 40 with an abundance of energy. Especially when three o’clock rolls around and the dreaded “afternoon slump” kicks in at full speed.
Most people don’t realize a low supply of digestive enzymes can drain their energy like a nail hole in a car tire.
That’s why you’ll also find two specific energy-boosting enzymes inside Bowel Guard...
Which can help you feel young and vibrant as you enjoy limitless, all-day energy without worrying about caffeine jitters.
They include…
On top of that, Bowel Guard helps you...
Sometimes there’s nothing more satisfying than a rich, fatty meal…
And I want to help you enjoy those while feeling amazing after.
Well Lipase is the knight in shining armor when it comes to eating fats...
Because it melts fatty acids like a hot knife through butter.
This is what helps you enjoy perfectly firm poops even if you eat greasy foods.
Lipase also helps you absorb the nutrients that help you feel great as you age, including vitamins D, K, E, and A.
In fact studies show that it helps promote less gas and bloating, and an increase in fullness when taking Lipase compared to those taking a placebo.35
That’s why Bowel Guard also contains a hearty dose of fat-dissolving Lipase.
And to finalize the formula we combined it with a very special probiotic to help supercharge your ENTIRE microbiome.
It works synergistically with the enzymes I’ve mentioned…
And is a LIFESAVER for anybody dealing with both constipation and liquid poops!
In fact I like this next nutrient because...
S. Boulardii is one of the most powerful probiotics we know of.
It helps promote a healthy microbiome and regulate your bowels to give you more confidence any time you eat.
Plus, you’ll be excited to know that S. Boulardii has been used for over 30 years to treat travelers' diarrhea, antibiotic-related diarrhea, and many others!36 37 38 39
It’s so powerful that it’s even been given the “green light” from the FDA to use for erratic bowel movements in clinical settings.
But whether or not you deal with erratic bowel movements you’ll also love to know that it can...
Plus, unlike most probiotics…
It’s even resistant to your stomach acid and it doesn’t need refrigeration.44
Add it all up and you can see why we’re so excited about offering you 3 billion CFUs of S. Boulardii with each dose of Bowel Guard.
So as you can see...
Frankly, the formulation behind Bowel Guard is just science.
But it takes hard work to do the right thing and not chase a dollar.
In most cases, that decision eats into our profits.
But it’s well worth it knowing we’re giving you the best possible product at a great price.
So to show you how we stack up against others...
Here’s a quick comparison featuring two of our competitors (names left out for legal reasons).
As you can see, it’s the clear choice for anyone wanting to enjoy perfectly firm poops.
And if that’s you, I have some great news to share…
Bowel Guard is a godsend for anyone ready to enjoy perfectly firm poops and blissful bowels…
Who simply want to feel confident that they can eat.
In fact, Bowel Guard is so powerful and effective that word is spreading like wildfire.
People worldwide are discovering this incredible formula…
And they’re paying once and ordering up to six bottles at a time.
Now you’ve seen the science behind Bowel Guard and why it’s on the cutting-edge of all-natural digestive support.
So you know why it makes sense that people want to stock up and enjoy confident bowels.
Even better is the fact that the longer you use Bowel Guard…
But of course with so many people choosing to order up to 6 bottles of Bowel Guard at a time...
Telling their friends and family about it...
And re-ordering even more bottles when their supplies are empty...
We've had one HECK of a time keeping up with demand!
We're now selling HUNDREDS of bottles every single day...
Which of course I'm incredibly grateful for...
But it's getting very hard to stay in stock.
The problem is that if we run out of stock...
It can take several weeks...
Sometimes up to a few months until the next batch is produced.
I'd hate to see that happen to you...
Imagine enjoying firm, perfect poops and blissful bowels...
And feeling better than you have in years.
But when you come back to the website for your next month's supply...
You see a big message that says "OUT OF STOCK".
I’d hate to see it do wonders for you…
And then you couldn’t get it anymore.
It's not even worth risking...
So I've spoken with my manufacturer and we've just recently produced an extra-large batch of Bowel Guard...
Which means if you order TODAY…
You can reserve up to six bottles of Bowel Guard...
Or stock up with a 3 or 1-month supply of Bowel Guard today with a single payment.
(Assuming you don't see "OUT OF STOCK" anywhere on this page...)
And the great news is that the more Bowel Guard you decide to invest in right now...
The more you save.
Because while Bowel Guard has a suggested retail price of $49 (which is an absolute steal in its own right)...
You'll be able to order a full six-month supply for just $24.95 per bottle...
PLUS get free U.S. shipping (an additional $9.95 in savings)!
Now I've also provided a discount on our three-month and one-month options...
But the 6-month supply is my absolute best deal because you pay once and it gives you...
On top of that…Your order is backed by a 3-month,
I want to make sure you feel FULLY confident in your order today...
Which is why I'm making it absolutely risk-free for you.
When you begin taking Bowel Guard, you'll see a fast, noticeable difference...
If you're like me...
Knowing you can go out with friends and family without needing to sit within eyesight of the bathroom door will be life-changing for you.
I'm so confident that you'll absolutely fall in love with Bowel Guard...
I'm willing to refund your purchase for 6 months if you don't feel like it's worth every penny and more.
Simply put...
You ONLY pay if you're completely convinced it works wonders for you.
Easy enough right?
If that sounds reasonable to you...
Simply scroll down below and you'll see our six-month, three-month, or one-month options...
Click the "Add To Cart" button under any option below and you'll be taken to our 256-bit, secure online ordering form.
There you'll enter your personal details like your address and your credit card information...
Plus you can review your order...
You won't be pressured or obligated to buy…
And you WON’T be enrolled in a monthly auto-billing subscription.
That page is just as secure as ordering from any major online retailer such as Amazon...
Which means you can place your order feeling safe and secure that your information is fully protected and never shared with any third parties.
So go ahead and place your order below by clicking the "Add To Cart" button under the option you'd like to choose.
Remember, any order you place is protected by our 6-month, 100% money-back guarantee, so you might as well stock up now while we have Bowel Guard in stock...
Starter Package
1 Bottle
Most Popular
3 Bottles
Family Package
6 Bottles
Prefer to order via phone?
Call (877) 977-7774 and press 1 for sales.
We’ve gone over a lot on this page today. I’ve revealed...
Now the decision is yours...
You’ve seen all the clinical studies…
All the proof…
All the reasons why giving Bowel Guard a try is a great ‘risk-free’ decision you’ll feel comfortable making.
So now you’ve got a choice…
You can do nothing and give up. Then look back 6 months from now realizing that you could have simply tried something new and finally gotten the results you’ve been looking for...
Or you can try Bowel Guard, risk-free. It’s convenient, effective, and works incredibly fast. You’ll enjoy “perfect poops” along with less embarrassing gas, less bloating, and even more energy. So you can finally feel confident about your body again.
If you’re ready to fully digest food and enjoy perfect (and predictable) firm poops daily…
If you’re ready for your clothes to fit right and make you feel sexy…
And if you want to feel brand new...
I urge you to claim a risk-free trial of Bowel Guard today.
Remember, I recommend taking advantage of our 6-bottle option because…
It gives you the best deal and the chance to pay once and save $144…
It gives you FREE shipping (a $9.95 value)…
It protects you from future price increases...
It gives you enough Bowel Guard to last you a while in case we run out…
And it’s risk-free because of our 6 month 100% money-back guarantee.
Here’s to a healthier, happier (and sexier) you,
Founder, PeakBiome
The answer may differ from person to person. But in general…
Also remember that we’re holding a special discount right now, so be sure to place your order today before we run out OR stop this promotion.
Bowel Guard is a combination of science-backed digestive enzymes and the world’s best “firm poop probiotic” to help manage gas, bloating and bowel movements. You simply take it right before a meal and it helps you break down foods that typically cause stomach pain and bloating.
Here’s a list of the actual label so you can see everything in exact detail :)
This is different for everyone. Many people notice differences in 2-3 days, while others may take a little longer. Upon ordering you’ll receive full instructions on how to maximize your results and what to expect when you start it.
Bowel Guard is sourced from the highest possible ingredients which are rigorously tested for purity and potency in state of the art facilities. It is manufactured in the USA and GMP certified using safe ingredients.
If you are concerned about Bowel Guard interacting with your medication, please consult your doctor. Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current treatment.
Digestive enzymes are considered very safe, especially when it comes to allergies. It is also free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, preservatives, gluten, dairy, and soy. However, it is manufactured in a facility that processes milk, eggs, wheat, and soy. If you have any concerns, please consult with your physician.
We will ship your order directly to your home or office using FedEx, USPS, or UPS. Customers in the United States and Canada can expect their orders within 5 to 10 business days. International orders typically take 10 to 15 business days (plus customs clearance times).
Of course! We use a 256-bit secure ordering server where 100% of your data is encrypted, safe, and secure. Our secure shopping cart is verified by numerous 3rd-party security verification systems, including McAfee Secure, the leader in security scanning. So, you can rest assured that your information is 100% safe and secure at all times.
Go ahead and choose the best option for you by clicking the button below. It will take you back to the ordering section so you can choose which quantity you would like. Remember, you have nothing to lose with our one-year money-back guarantee. So if you feel Bowel Guard is not right for you, we’ll give you a full refund. Plus, if you order right now, you’ll enjoy a 51% discount and free shipping.